We ship within 2 sales days from your order.
海外発送はE-Packet にてお送りいたします。日本国内はヤマト運輸にてお送りします。
We ship it by E-Packet except express service.

The payment method is credit card or Paypal only.
if the payment transaction is not completed well, please check the below points.
- clear cash and cookies on your browser.
- Disable browsers extensions.
- Disable anti-virus program.
- Use different browser.
Shipping charges do not include customs duties or special service charges for the carrier. We apologize for any customs duties and carrier charges in your country, but we are not sure. Please be aware of this before applying.
Free shipping information means free shipping what we charge, not customs duties or service charges of the carrier. please note.
Thank you for your cooperation.